Letter for Forex Manager for Non realization of Export Bills

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Letter for Forex Manager for Non realization of Export Bills 

To                                                                                                                                                               08.01.2025

Forex Manager

New Delhi 

Reg : Non realization of Export Bills

Dear Sir, 

With reference to your letter Ref no :  ____________________ dt 04.12.2024 & our discussion with your Forex Manager Mr Ramesh , we come to understand that you don’t have export bills against our shipping bill no 123456 dt 18.04.24.


So as requested we submitting following documents for your consideration & doing the needful.

1)      Custom Purpose Invoice

2)      Invoice Examination Report by  Central Excise

3)      Tax Invoice

4)      Verified Gross Mass details of Container

5)      Packing List

6)      Shipper & Customer Sheet

7)      Shipping Bill

8)      IEC Certificate


Yours faithfully,

For Stabnet Export  Ltd.




Authorised Signatory


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