Sample Letter of Job Appointment Letter Format with CTC Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Sample Letter of Job Appointment Letter Format with CTC in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dated: 8th November 2026

To,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mr. Anil Singh

S-11, Shakti Nagar,

Gandhidham, Kutch,

Gujrat, 270001



Dear Mr Singh ,


1.       We take pleasure in offering you an appointment as Sales Manager to be based in Gujrat ( Gandhidham). This appointment will be in the Company’s Management cadre. The said appointment shall be governed by the under mentioned terms and conditions apart from other Service Rules and conditions that are applicable or may become applicable from time to time.

2.       You will receive a Basic Salary of Rs. 22000/- per month. The other perquisites that you are entitled to will be as per attached Annexure.

3.       Your appointment is subject to the following clauses:-

·               You’re being medically fit. In this regard the findings of the clinic empanelled by the organisation for the purpose shall be final.

·               Satisfactory background verification reports on you are received which are acceptable to the organisation. For this you will be contacted by an authorized agency of the organisation for further process.

4.        Probation and Notice Period for Resignation during Probation:

You will be on probation for a period of Three months (or such other extended period as may be decided upon by the Management) from the date of your joining. The probation period will continue unless confirmed in writing. 

a)       During the period of probation your services may be terminated by giving 45 days’ notice or on payment of 45 days’ gross salary in lieu thereof without assigning any reasons.

b)       During the period of probation, you may resign from the services of the organisation, subject to acceptance of your resignation by the competent authority, by giving notice of 45 days in writing or on payment of 45 days’ gross salary in lieu thereof. During the notice period you will not be allowed to take any leave and any leave taken will be treated as without pay. The Company may, at its discretion, decide to release you prior to completion of your notice period and undersuch circumstances, either party shall not be liable for any payment in lieu of the remaining notice period.  

.  5. Termination and Notice period after Confirmation:

a) Notwithstanding what is provided in the Management Rules and the above paragraphs, your services after confirmation, may be terminated by the organisation by giving 45 days’ notice or payment of 45 days’ gross salary in lieu thereof without assigning any reasons. Similarly you may resign from the services of the organisation, subject to





acceptance of your resignation by the competent authority, by giving notice of 45 days in writing or on payment of 45 days’ gross salary in lieu thereof. However, during the notice period you will not be allowed to take any leave and any leave taken will be treated as without pay.

b) Notwithstanding the above, upon receipt of your resignation, the Company may at its discretion, decide to release you prior to completion of your notice period. Only under such circumstances, either party shall not be liable for any payment in lieu of the remaining notice period.

6.     Leaves

You are entitled to 30 leaves per financial year (on a pro rata of 2.5 per month). Leaves are usable but not encashable under any circumstances. However, you are not allowed to carry forward leaves of more than 30 days during your transit to any new financial year. No leave will be allowed during the notice period.


7.     General Terms

a.       If any declaration, statement or information including your qualification, experience and/or any other details, which entitled you to apply for the job as given by you at any time, is found to be false or untrue, or if any material information is suppressed, your services are liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice or compensation in lieu thereof at any time during or even after the completion of the probation period.

b.       If it comes to the notice of the organisation that you had been, prior to joining the services of the organisation, convicted of any act involving moral turpitude and/or criminal in nature, your services will be liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice or compensation in lieu thereof. However, this does not preclude the organisation from initiating suchdisciplinary measures, as the organisation shall deem fit and any penalty may be imposed upon you in terms of the Staff Rules of the organisation in force.

c.       In case of breach of trust or misconduct on your part, your contract is terminable with immediate effect and in such event it would not be necessary for the Company to give you any notice whatsoever.

d.       Your services are liable to be transferred to any of the offices of the organisation within India and/or abroad at the sole discretion of the management and the latter reserve the right to depute you at any time during your service in the organisation, to any of its subsidiaries or associates without any prior consent from you.

e.       Notwithstanding the role assigned to you in terms of this letter, the organisation reserves the right to assign you any other role/function commensurate with your grade as may be deemed appropriate, depending on administrative exigencies and requirements.

f.            Your services can be requisitioned by the organisation at any time outside the Business/working hours.

g.       During your employment with the Company, you shall not be involved directly or indirectly with any business/trade/occupation service/calling or perform any part-time or other work for remuneration or otherwise without obtaining prior written permission from the organisation.





h.       During the Employment in the services of the Organisation, you shall not hold any other position in any other organisation nor shall you get employed directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever nor shall act as an advisor to any organisation, the

exception being social organizations like Clubs, NGOs etc having no political affiliation. However, the organisation reserves the right to direct you to step down if, in the opinion of the Organisation, such engagement interferes with your duties.

i.           As an employee of the organisation, you will be guided by the Code of Conduct and rules and regulations of the organisation in force and as amended from time to time. The organisation reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions of service governing your appointment as contained in this letter including your duties and responsibilities at any time.

j.            You shall not at any time during your employment and/or after the termination of your employment in any manner whatsoever divulge any confidential information relating to the organisation, any of its constituents or its employees without the prior written consent from the Management. In such an event, the company reserves the right to proceed against you.

k.        You will not, whilst in the service of the Company or at any time thereafter, make any use whatsoever of any trade secret of manufacturing process or method of manufacture of the company or divulge to any person, firm or company any trade secret or manufacturing process or method of manufacture of the Company or any other information which you may have acquired by reason of your employment with the Company.  This clause does not apply to the communication of such trade secrets, manufacturing process, method of manufacture or information to a fellow servant of the Company in the course of your employment or to such a communication by direction of the Company.

l.           All instructions, notes, drawings or memorandum relating to the Company’s business, production and manufacture made by you or which may have come into your possession while in the employment of the Company shall be the exclusive property of the Company and you shall, upon the termination of your employment with the Company or at any time when demanded by the Company either before or after such termination, deliver the same up to the Company.

m.      If during your employment with the Company you make any invention, discovery or design useful in relation to any of the Company’s goods or to any goods of an associated companies, you shall forthwith inform the Company thereof and shall at the expense of the Company do and execute all such acts, deeds and documents as the company may require or obtaining or otherwise protecting such invention, discovery of design and for vesting any Letters Patent, registration or other protection thereof in any part of the world in the Company for its absolute use and benefit.

n.       After your dissociation from the company, you are strictly forbidden to interact in any form with any person whom you have known by virtue of your employment with this organisation. Further, if it is noticed that post your dissociation you are attempting to access or share any information related to the organization’s business interest through any such person, the management will take appropriate measures as deemed fit in the scope of law.

o.       You will take good care of the Company’s money, property or equipment that may be entrusted to you and shall be responsible for any damage to and / or shortage or loss of such money, equipment or property.

p.       You shall not accept or borrow money from any person, firm or company connected or associated with the Company whether as an employer or dealer or customer, actual or potential, nor shall you accept any presents from any person, firm or company.

q.       If you do not complete one year of service with the organisation, the following clauses will be applicable to you:-





i.      The Relocation Expenses/Reimbursements paid by the company to you, if any, will be debited to you and the same will be adjusted with the Full & Final Settlement. In case, the amount exceeds the sum of Full& Final Settlement, you have to pay the excess amount back to the company in order to get due clearance.

ii.     You will not be eligible for the Annual Components and any amount received thereby will be adjusted with the Full & Final Settlement.


8.   You will retire from the services of the Company at the end of the month during which you attain the age of 58 years in the event you are confirmed in service.


9.       Your date of joining as per our records is 8th November 2026



Please return the duplicate copy of this letter duly signed by you in token of acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned above.





 Vimal Sahu

 Group Corporate HR


CTC Break Up of Mr. Anil Singh



Per Month (In Rs.)

Per Annum ( In Rs.)










P P Allowance



Uniform Allowance



Mobile Allowance



Other Allowances



Annual Component















*Incentive Rs 1.25/BAT for Nov & Dec 2026 , Rs 2 /BAT Jan'2027 onwards

* Sales incentive is payable on 100% Target achievement,  Target will be decided by the Management on time to time basis                    

*The Employees are eligible to receive the Annual Components only after completion of a year with the organisation.




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